Wellesbourne Lions Supporting Local Defibrillators
For many years Wellesbourne & District Lions Club has supported local health and medical needs by the provision of medical equipment at the village surgeries and in the wider community. We support the First Responders Group based in Ettington which covers Wellesbourne and other local villages, and via our Shakespeare Lions colleagues support the Avon Valley Community First Responders Scheme.
Almost ten years ago as a result of these connections we became aware of the need to provide the village with a potentially life saving defibrillator so plans were made to raise funds to purchase and install an AED (Automated Electronic Defibrillator) somewhere in the village and accessible both night and day in case of an emergency. As a result of discussions with the Parish Council and a grant from the Coop’s “Helping Hearts” fund the Lions established the first defibrillator at the Coop Food Store. Unfortunately, this was damaged by an attack on the neighbouring ATM and it was decided that the new replacement should be placed at the Sports and Community Centre where there is now a much greater footfall. Thanks again to the Parish Council and staff at the Centre, the defibrillator is accessible 24/7 and linked to the West Midlands Ambulance Service emergency network. With the recent renovation of the Sports Centre, gymnasium, and community space the site on Loxley Road offers an ideal central location for users of the adjacent sports clubs and local residents.
The photo below shows Lion Max Down, Cllr Anne Prior and First Responder Barry McKenzie along with the re-sited defib at the Sports Club in the background.
Wellesbourne & District Lions Club set about fundraising for a second defib’ which thanks to the owner is situated outside the GWS/Shell Garage on the corner of Warwick Road. Housed in a bright yellow steel case it too is linked to the Emergency Ambulance 999 network.
We have now been able to purchase a 3rd defibrillator which has been placed outside Avon Studios with the kind permission and support of Andy Sheppard. A fourth has ben obtained and placed on the wall of the Council depot facing the football field on Dovehouse Drive. Further details and pictures coming soon.
On making an emergency 999 call to the Ambulance Service for a patient likely to be suffering from a suspected heart problem the person will be given advice on the most appropriate route of support whilst being reassured by the operator who will stay on the line. Initially, this may be via a para-medic or voluntary First Responder whilst awaiting the arrival of an ambulance. If there is a need a helper will be told where the nearest defibrillator is located, the external unique box number and the code to open the key pad lock. Once open, the machine is portable, lightweight and very easy to use.
No special training or first aid knowledge is required to use the defibrillator as each has a voice control which gives clear instructions on how to proceed. It will only produce a shock to stimulate the heart muscles if its sensory pads detect that it is completely necessary.
The Lions are proud to provide this potentially lifesaving equipment as part of the options in case of a heart emergency.
Thanks go to local businesses who sponsor the running costs of the defibrillators helping the Lions purchase replacement batteries and pads, including specialist children’s paediatric pads for use in Wellesbourne Primary School defibrillator.
If you’re a business or would like to help please contact the Lions for details.
The Lions motto is 'We serve'. This says it all.